At about 8:00 I was just about to step out of the old house, but then Kim and Han's son walked in to tell me and to come and eat breakfast.  Although he is still learning English, his parents actually used him as a messenger quite a lot during my time here.  I can tell that Kim and Han really hope that their children become fluent in English some day.  After breakfast I started my work for the day.  Because the pastor was coming over for lunch later that day, I was asked to vacuum and then wipe down the floor.  About half way through this, Kim called me over to help move some heavy objects from the shed to the new house.  After helping Kim, I resumed wiping the floor and cleaning up any spots that appeared dirty.


At about 11:00 we gathered together in the living room of the new house to read the bible with the pastor and his wife.  We sat in a circle on pillows on the floor and then the bible study started off with joyful singing. 


Lunch that day was quite large and eaten together with many people that had come over to the new house.  This was actually the first day without a morning snack, but I presume it was to wet the appetite for the larger meal.  In addition to the standard rice, we two kinds of fish, a chicken dish, and a tofu dish with shrimp and perhaps lobster.  Food here is always eaten family style where you take what you want from plates and bowls placed about the table.    I would have loved to talk to the people who came over for lunch, hear their stories, and learn about them, but sadly I do not yet know Korean.  It would be a great language to learn.


After the large lunch, we all took a pretty long break.  I had about an hour to spend on the computer taking care of some more business I have to do.  At about 2:00, I got to work with Kim moving some more heavy furniture from the old house to the new house.  This time, we were carrying the stuff for his room.  It was quite generous of Kim to make sure his mother and kids have their furniture in their rooms before he does.  For an afternoon snack we had tteok again with tea.  After the snack, Han had me go through receipts and enter the values and dates into an excel sheet.


At about 6:00 I took a shower and changed into nicer clothes in order to go to a church service at 7:00.  As with the bible study earlier in the day, the church service started off with melodic hymnal singing.  After church, we returned home and I ate dinner at about 8:15.



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